Monday 27 July 2009

omg..these last 2 days have been the longest of our lives! after about 40 hours we've finally arrived at our first hostel in San Francisco..and what should greet us at the airport..scary imigration staff and even more scary finger scanning machines...they took all 10 fingers! Considering national express travel??..dont stop in birmingham unless you want to cant even get a decent hot chocolate!
Flight from London to Chicago was lush, filled with fabulous plane food, mini dvd players and entertaining staff! although the connecting flight encountered quite a bit of turbulence and we really couldn't wait to land.
So here we are in san francisco, our hostel is near chinatown and the people are really friendly :) and we have a fun filled day sightseeing tomorrow. We will probably stay here till friday.
need to sleep now....


  1. Told you I would follow you ! :-)

    Glad you arrived safely, hope you are having a great trip so far! Keep updating!

  2. hey guys glad you arrived safely!
    dont forget us still at home in england- in the rain...
    anyways, keep updating and have fun!
    we are watching you!
