Monday 24 August 2009

grand canyon, miami and orlando!

GRAND CANYON..words cannot describe how amazing it was to actually be there! It was huge and you felt soo tiny in comparison, wouldn't want to fall off the edge ( many people have actually died there- didnt stop people getting as close as they could though!) Could see for 1,000s yrs old and we caught glimpses of the phantom ranch and colorado river. it was a 10hr coach journey round trip, very long day with a stop at the hoover dam on the way, very impressive the way it was built in to the rock! On one side you were in nevada and the other side, arizona!
We expected cooler temperatures in wrong we were! It was hot like vegas but also very humid and sticky and the midges were at large! Hayley got bitten quite a few times! On our first day we chilled at South beach and swam in the sea in the lush warm water! Could have stayed there for hours! Left the beach at 8pm and went to make some pasta!! we've not had that in a while-too expensive!
On the second day we went to miami seaquarium, paid enough to play and swim with dolphins! Such an amazing experience, so worth while, priceless! After swimming we went to catch some sea animal shows, the sealions were great lots of fun to watch but the highlight of the day was watching lolita the giant killer whale do her stuff..jumping out of the water and splashing everyone in the audience!
We left miami expecting to arrive in orlando fairly early however we encountered 2 delays on the train, the second being a crash with a truck on the lines but nobody died.. and we got to our destination a few hours late..longest train journey to date.
In orlando we made a trip to the kennedy space center. It was rather exciting because we didnt realise our trip closely coincided with a space shuttle launch to the international space station. We saw the launch pad and shuttle fairly close up and we got to see how they prepared for the launch and we had a detailed look into the history and the future of space travel! Due to fully booked trains we spent another night here, yesterday we went into downtown orlando ( business district) and went to the cinema to see the hangover..hilarious from beginning to end! Even more funny because we'd already experienced Vegas!
Overnight train tonight to Raleigh where we will make a quick stop before heading to washington D.C.

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